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Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant

Showing 551 to 600 of 1,976 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
shell scraper - armament scraper -
shell shirt - shirt -
shell vise shell vice armament vise -
sheller - Harvesting Equipment -
shellfish rake - fishing rake -
shellwork sailor's valentine; shell picture Visual Arts -
shelving unit - Storage & Display Furniture -
shepherd's crook - herding tool -
sherbet dish - dessert dish -
sherbet spoon - dessert spoon -
sherd - fragment -
shield - Body Armor -
shillelagh - club -
shilling - coin -
shin guard - body protector -
shingle - Surface Elements -
shingle bench - woodworking bench -
shingle cutter - wood cutter -
shingle punch - wood punch -
shingling hatchet - hatchet -
ship - Watercraft -
ship whistle - watercraft whistle -
ship's bell - nautical bell -
ship's bell bracket ship's bell holder watercraft component -
ship's boat cutter service vessel -
ship's bridge - watercraft component -
ship's clock - clock -
ship's compass - watercraft component -
ship's decanter - decanter -
ship's ladder - watercraft ladder -
ship's lantern - Water Transportation Accessories & Components
ship's lantern. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
ship's lifeboat - lifeboat -
ship's log - log -
ship's log box - Water Transportation Accessories & Components -
ship's telegraph engine room telegraph watercraft component -
ship's wheel - watercraft steering wheel -
ship's windlass - watercraft component -
shiplap siding - siding -
shipper's guidebook - guidebook -
shipping container - Containers (blank subclass) -
shipping crate - crate -
shipping envelope - Containers (blank subclass) -
shipping label - identification label -
shipping record - Administrative Records -
shipping tag - identification tag -
shipwright's adze shipwright's adz adze -
shipwright's axe shipwright's ax axe -
shipwright's caulking box - Woodworking T&E (blank subclass) -
shipwright's caulking iron - caulking iron -
shipwright's caulking ladle - Woodworking T&E (blank subclass) -

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