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Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant

Showing 701 to 750 of 1,679 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
chocolate spoon - eating spoon -
choke collar - pet collar -
choker - necklace -
choli - blouse -
chopine - shoe -
chopper - Multiple Use T&E for Materials (blank subclass) -
chopping block butcher block Food Preparation Equipment
chopping block. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
chopping bowl chopping tray food preparation container
chopping bowl. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
chopping box - food chopper -
chopping knife mincing knife kitchen knife -
chopping tray - food preparation container -
chopstick - Eating & Drinking Utensils
chopstick. Maren Dunn
chopstick case - eating utensil case -
chorograph - Surveying Equipment -
chrismatory - ritual container -
christening bottle - Organizational Objects -
Christmas stocking - holiday decoration -
Christmas tree - holiday tree -
Christmas tree light - holiday light -
Christmas tree ornament - holiday ornament -
chromascope - Optical T&E (blank subclass) -
chromatometer - eye instrument -
chromatoscope - reflecting telescope -
chromatrope - Optical T&E (blank subclass) -
chronograph - Timekeeping Devices -
chronology timeline list -
chronometer - Navigational Equipment -
chronoscope - Timekeeping Devices -
chronothermometer - thermometer -
chuck - Multiple Use T&E for Materials (blank subclass)
chuck. Pearson Scott Foresman, Wikimedia Commons
chuck box - food storage box -
chuck key - Woodworking T&E (blank subclass) -
chuckwagon - wagon -
church - religious structure -
church bell - bell -
church certificate - certificate -
church key - food container opener -
church tower - Architectural Spaces -
churn - dairy tool
churn. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
churn dasher dasher dairy tool -
churn drill - mining drill -
churn stand - dairy tool -
chute - Conveyance Devices -
chyometer - Chemical Testing Devices -
ciborium - ritual container -
ciborium case - ritual container -
ciborium veil - altar covering -
cider cheese cutter - cider making tool -
cider glass - drinking glass -
cider making tool - Food Processing Equipment -

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