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Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant

Showing 301 to 350 of 558 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
restraining strap - restraint -
restraint - Regulative Devices -
resume - personnel record -
resuscitator - respiratory treatment device -
retable - altarpiece -
reticule - carrying bag
reticule. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
retinoscope - eye instrument -
retort - distilling apparatus -
retort holder - Labware -
retractable rule - Weights & Measures -
retractor - surgical instrument -
revenue cutter - service vessel -
reverberator - Acoustical T&E (blank subclass) -
reverberatory furnace - metal furnace -
review - Literary Works -
revolver handgun Firearms -
revolving door - door -
revolving hay rake flip-flop rake hay rake -
revolving mold - cigar mold -
revolving punch - leather punch -
reward of merit merit certificate achievement certificate -
rewinder - Papermaking T&E (blank subclass) -
rheometer - Mechanical Measurement Equipment -
rheoscope - electrical instrument -
rheostat - resistor -
rheotome - Electrical System Accessories & Components -
rhinoscope - nasal instrument -
rhumboscope - drafting instrument -
rib pad - body protector -
rib shears - surgical instrument -
rib stripper - surgical instrument -
ribbon bar service ribbon decoration of honor -
ribbonwork ribbon picture textile art -
rice bin - grain bin -
rice cooker - steam cooker -
rice mold - food mold -
ricer basket ricer; potato ricer culinary press -
ricing stick - harvesting stick -
rickshaw - Human-Powered Vehicles -
riddle tamis; tammy cloth sieve -
ridge cap - Roof Elements -
ridge tile - tile -
ridging plow ridging plough moldboard plow -
riding boot - boot
riding boot. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
riding breeches - pants -
riding cap - sport cap -
riding coat - overcoat
riding coat. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
riding crop - animal tack -
riding habit hunt dress; riding costume; riding-habit suit -
riding jacket - jacket -

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