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Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant

Showing 201 to 250 of 1,976 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
scarf head scarf Clothing Accessories & Components
scarf. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
scarf clip - clothing clip -
scarf holder - holder -
scarf slide - Clothing Accessories & Components -
scarification tool - Beauty Supplies -
scarificator - bloodletting device -
scarifier - earthmover -
scatter pin baby pin clothing pin -
scavenger's daughter - torture device -
scepter - regalia -
sceptre recorder - Navigational Equipment -
schedule - Other Documents -
schilling - coin -
Schmidt camera Schmidt telescope astronomical telescope -
scholarly journal academic journal periodical -
school - Institutional Structures -
school bag - carrying bag -
school bell - bell -
school bus - bus -
school desk box desk; pupil desk; study desk desk
school desk. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
school exercise - Instructional Documents -
schooner - sailing ship -
schopper tester - paper tester -
Schuetzen rifle - target rifle -
science kit - toy kit -
scimitar - saber -
sciopticon - magic lantern -
scissor toy - Toys (blank subclass) -
scissors - Multiple Use T&E for Materials (blank subclass)
scissors. Pearson Scott Foresman, Wikimedia Commons
scissors case - needlework case -
scissors sharpener - tool sharpener -
sclerometer - densimeter -
scold's bridle brank's bridle punishment device -
sconce bracket sconce; candle sconce; mirrored sconce; wall oil lamp wall fixture
sconce. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
scoop - Multiple Use T&E for Materials (blank subclass) -
scoop net - fishing net -
scoopmaker plane - plane -
scooter - riding toy -
scorch tester - fabric tester -
score - musical composition -
scoreboard - sports structure -
scorebook scorepad scoring document -
scorecard score card; tally card; tally sheet scoring document -
scoring document - Other Documents -
scoring machine - Papermaking T&E (blank subclass) -
scorper round shave Woodworking T&E (blank subclass) -
scotch - Masonry & Stoneworking T&E (blank subclass) -
Scotch hand butter hand food shaper
Scotch hand. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
scotoscope - Optical T&E (blank subclass) -
Scottish cap - cap -

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