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Images for set, table tennis

Secondary term

set, table tennis

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A set consisting of a playing surface or a table, a net, two paddles and one or more balls. The table is rectangular, made of wood and rubber, dark colored and matte, divided into two sections, usually can be folded and is equipped with wheels for easy movement. It come in a standard size and height. The net is made of interlaced fabric, cord and tape, stretched over the center of the table and held by two posts. The paddle consists of a short handle and a blade-shaped wood frame covered in rubber with a colored and stippled surface on one or two sides. The ball is lightweight and hollow, made of plastic, white or orange in color. It comes in a specified size. Played by two or four contestants, the ball is hit and bounced one time over to the opponent side of the table, and must be return so that the ball bounces on the opposite side at least once. A point is scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. The net is used as a ball-stop or boundary.
Definition source(s)
  • American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), and Canadian Heritage Information Network / Réseau canadien d’information sur le patrimoine. 2018. “Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage des objets de musée.” September 1, 2018.
Term (International)
table tennis set
Inverted term (International)
set, table tennis
Alternative term(s)
ping pong set
Term (International)
jeu de tennis de table
Term gender (International)
  • May also use specific terms for items in the set
Date created
Date updated
Parks Canada code(s)
  • 09-00059
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Art & Architecture Thesaurus table tennis set (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) English Exact
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