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Préférences terminologiques actuelles : Naturel ordre et international variante


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Objets cérémoniels

https://nomenclature.info/nom/12986 (ouvre la vue sémantique)
Objects originally created for carrying on governmental, fraternal, religious, or other organized and sanctioned societal activities. Such objects are intended to evoke, symbolize, or express certain aspects of the traditions or heritage of a community or group of people. Usually, they are associated with rituals or ceremonies. This class includes: (1) any religious object, such as communion cups and altar pieces; note that personal devotional objects (such as religious medals or talismans) and religious symbols of office (such as vestments or crosiers) are classified under Personal Symbols; (2) any object used specifically in a ceremony concerned with a major personal event or crisis, such as birth, puberty, sickness, or death, or concerned with a community event or crisis, such as a harvest festival or the need for rain; and (3) any object, except for personal symbols, used in the ceremonial activities of a fraternity, lodge, club, governmental, or military organization, such as the pennant of a Girl Scout troop.
Source(s) de la définition
  • American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), and Canadian Heritage Information Network / Réseau canadien d’information sur le patrimoine. 2018. “Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage des objets de musée.” September 1, 2018. https://www.nomenclature.info/.
Terme (international)
Ceremonial Objects
Terme (international)
Objets cérémoniels
objetos ceremoniales
Source externe du terme
Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online
Date de création
Date de mise à jour
Références bibliographiques pour cette classe
JSON-LD, Turtle or RDF/XML
https://page.nomenclature.info/nom/12986 (rouvre cette page)
Other references to this concept

Exact matching concepts from other linked open data sources

Note: external sources may not have all data in both English and French.

Concepts de concordance provenant d’autres sources en données ouvertes et liées
Source des données Étiquette Langue Correspondance
Art & Architecture Thesaurus objets cérémoniels (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) Français Exacte
Wikidata objet cérémonial (Wikidata) Français Exacte
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